Visa Facilitation For Applicants With COVID-19 Vaccinations
Effective March 15, 2021, the Chinese Embassy in the United States will begin to facilitate visa applications for those that have been inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccinations and obtained the vaccination certificate.
- Visa applications for the resumption of work can be applied by foreign nationals according to the requirements prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The eligibility criteria for ’emergency humanitarian needs’ will also be broadened and will allow foreign family members of Chinese citizens or permanent residents, including spouse, parents, children and other close relatives living together (i.e. siblings, grandparents and grandchildren), may submit visa applications for the purposes of reuniting with family, taking care of the elderly, visiting relatives, attending funerals or visiting critically ill relatives.
- Holders of valid APEC business travel cards may apply for the M visa by presenting the original valid APEC business travel card and the invitation letter issued by the inviting party in the mainland of China.
A certificate of negative nucleic acid and anti-body blood test results are required for airline boarding to China. Upon entering China there are also quarantine regulations. Please reach out to an immigration specialist for more information.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.