USCIS To Abide By Previous Filing Fee Amounts Under Preliminary Injunction
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will continue
to abide by previous filing fee amounts because of preliminary
injunctions in ILRC v. Wolf and Nw. Immigrant Rts. Project v.
USCIS. USCIS said it is complying with the terms of these orders
and “is not enforcing the regulatory changes set out in the
Final Rule. USCIS will continue to accept the fees that were in
place prior to October 2, 2020, and follow the guidance in place
prior to October 2, 2020 to adjudicate fee waiver
Notification of Preliminary Injunction, USCIS, 86 Fed. Reg.
7493, Jan. 29, 2021,
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