The Prime Minister Of Malaysia Announces Restriction Movement Order
The Prime Minister of Malaysia announced yesterday at 10:00pm
Malaysia Time (GMT+0800) that a Restriction Movement Order (RMO)
will take affect from 18 Mar 2020 – 31 March 2020.
Briefly, the RMO includes –
- Ban on mass gatherings, includingsports, culture, religious and social activities.
- Ban on entry for all foreignvisitors.
- Ban on Malaysians travellingoverseas.
- Malaysians are allowed entry but mustself-quarantine 14 days.
- Closure of all government and privateeducation institutions.
- Closure of all government and privatepremises except those providing essential services like utilities,
food supplies, pharmacies, telcos, post offices, transportation,
fuel, broadcasting, healthcare, airports and security.
From an Immigration and Pass processing perspective, at the time
of writing, there has been no official updates / clarification yet
from the Immigration Department in Putrjaya (HQ) or any of the
related immigration processing Authorities. We have done some
checks with the Immigration HQ itself and also at the KLIA (Kuala
Lumpur International Airport) this morning and appended below is
the summary we know so far –
Processing of all Passes (Employment Pass, Dependent Pass, Long
Term Pass, RP-T etc)
Processing Authorities | 18 Mar 2020 – 31 Mar 2020
Immigration Department Putrajaya
(HQ) |
Open half day (morning) with limited resources |
MyXpats (processing of applications under
ESD) |
Closed |
MDEC (processing of applications under
eXpats) |
Closed |
MIDA (Malaysia Investment Development
Authority) |
Closed |
Please expect delays in processing of all existing applications that have already been submitted. |
Summary of Travel Restrictions
Exiting Malaysia (18 Mar 2020 – 31 Mar
Restrictions |
For Malaysians | NO |
For Foreigners, including all Pass holders
and Diplomats |
Entering Malaysia (18 Mar 2020 – 31 Mar
Restrictions |
For Malaysians | YES but must self-quarantine for 14 days |
For Diplomats | YES but must self-quarantine for 14 days |
For Foreigners, including all Pass holders
like Employment Pass, Dependant Pass, Long-Term Pass, Student Pass, RP-T, PR etc) |
NO |
Malaysians daily commute to Singapore by
land (18 Mar 2020 – 31 Mar 2020)
Suggestions : Malaysians are advised to find accommodation in SG during these 2 weeks or arrange with their SG employers to work from Malaysia.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.