FGI News and Publications

New Student Visa Replaces Tier 4

Effective October 5, 2020, the current Tier 4 (General) and Tier

4 (Child) routes will close and be replaced with the new Student

Route and Child Student route. These routes will apply to both EEA

and non-EEA students traveling to the UK to study.

Those with current Tier 4 visas will not be affected. However,

EEA nationals will lose the right of free movement and will require

a visa to study.

Among the changes to the new student route are the


  • increased switching permissions
  • removal of eight year limit onstudying courses at the postgraduate level
  • maintenance funds no longer requiredfor applicants that have spent over one year in the UK on their

    current visa

Those who may be affected are encouraged to contact an

immigration specialist for case-specific advice.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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