FGI News and Publications

New Appointment Booking Lottery At New Delhi Consulate Allows Only 33 Applications In First Quarter Of 2020

The Czech embassy in New Delhi, India, has implemented a new

appointment booking system for nationals of India, Bangladesh,

Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and the Maldives applying for employee

cards. Under this system, only 33 employee card applications will

be accepted between January and March 2020.

Employers are advised to apply for one of the government

programs with a larger quota of employee card applications and no

appointment booking.

New Delhi Appointments Lottery

Prospective applicants must register in person at the VFS Global

visa application center on the mezzanine floor of the Shivaji

Stadium metro station. A representative carrying a standard

authorization signed by the applicant may appear on the

applicant’s behalf (a power of attorney is not required).

Registrations take place on December 11, 13 and 16 2019 between

9am and 12pm (noon) local time. An applicant can only register

once, on one of these dates, and authorized persons can only

register one applicant.

The applicant must submit their identity document and a copy of

the data page of their passport, and pay a non-refundable

administrative fee of INR 3100, confirmed by a registration coupon

bearing a unique registration number which will be entered into a

lottery. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will then draw 33

registration numbers and the lucky applicants will receive an

appointment date for the personal submission of the employee card

application between January and March 2020.

However, the successful registered applicants will not be

informed directly – the 33 chosen registration numbers will

be published on the website of the Czech embassy before December

31, 2019.

Government Programs

Applicants whose occupation and future Czech employer qualify

for one of three government programs can apply for an employee card

at the Czech embassy in New Delhi without registering in advance

for an appointment. The programs were introduced on September 1,

2019 and include quotas for visa and employee card issuance from

selected countries – 600 applications per year can be

accepted in India under the programs and only 100 outside the


The “Qualified Employee” program is intended for

newly-hired employees from Ukraine, Mongolia, Serbia, Philippines,

India, Belarus, Moldova, Montenegro and Kazakhstan occupying

positions in classes 4-8 of the CZ-ISCO Classification of

Occupations in manufacturing, services or the public sector and

employed by companies which have operated in Czechia for at least

two years, without any tax, health or social insurance arrears or

penalties and which employ at least six people.

The “Highly Qualified Employee” program is intended

for newly-hired employees from any non-EU country occupying

positions in classes 1-3 of the CZ-ISCO Classification of

Occupations in manufacturing, services or the public sector and

employed by companies which have operated in Czechia for at least

two years, without any tax, health or social insurance arrears or

penalties and which employ at least three people.

The “Key and Research Staff” program is intended for

newly-hired employees or intra-company transferees from any non-EU

country occupying positions in classes 1-3 of the CZ-ISCO

Classification of Occupations in manufacturing, services or the

public sector (except medical professions) and employed by

investors, research organizations, tech companies and


The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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