Immigration News – November 30, 2010 issue
U.S. Ambassador Announces Reorganization of Consulates General
in India.
Nov 23, 2010: The U.S. is implementing a new visa application
process for Indians that will make obtaining visas more convenient,
says the U.S. ambassador to India.
New Immigration Fees and Forms Take Effect November 23.
Nov 20, 2010: USCIS has reminded the public that new fees will
take effect on November 23, 2010.
House of Representatives Approves Proxy Marriage in Immigration
Nov 17, 2010: Earlier this week, the House of Representatives
passed a bill that would recognize proxy marriages involving US
military service members in immigration cases.
USCIS to Publish Revised Form I-129.
Nov 12, 2010: USCIS has revised Form I-129, Petition for a
Nonimmigrant Worker, which will be published the same day that the
new fee increase takes place .
E-Verify Enhances Security; Now Checks Passports and Passport
Nov 10, 2010: The E-Verify program’s security system has
just been enhanced, says USCIS and Department of Homeland Security
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