ICE Presents Record-Breaking Immigration Enforcement Statistics for FY 2010
Earlier this week, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS), and John Morton, Director of U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), released immigration
enforcement statistics that have been achieved under the Obama
administration. In their report, the two directors state that the
Obama administration has imposed approximately $50 million in
fines/sanctions for worksite enforcement violations. Secretary
Napolitano also stressed that the Obama administration would
continue to enforce immigration laws to employers through I-9
audits, fines, debarments and other enforcement strategies.
“This administration has focused on enforcing our
immigration laws in a smart, effective manner that prioritizes
public safety and national security and holds employers accountable
who knowingly and repeatedly break the law,” said Secretary
Napolitano. “Our approach has yielded historic results,
removing more convicted criminal aliens than ever before and
issuing more financial sanctions on employers who knowingly and
repeatedly violate immigration law than during the entire previous
Key statistics presented include the following:
- 180 owners, employers, managers and/or supervisors werecriminally charged by ICE in FY 2010
- ICE conducted over 2,200 I-9 audits in FY 2010
- 97 businesses and 49 people were debarred by ICE in FY2010
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guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.