Global Alerts

SWITZERLAND – Quotas for EU/EFTA L Permits Exhausted for Third Quarter of 2015

The quota for L permits for the third quarter of 2015, for short-term assignees from European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) countries, has been filled.

Who is Affected?

New, incoming EU/EFTA nationals who are assigned to Switzerland but remain on foreign employment contracts will not be issued L permits until the fourth quarter of 2015. New short-term L permit quotas for EU/EFTA nationals will be available from 1 October 2015. Some cantons may, in exceptional circumstances, continue to accept new applications in this category; other cantons will not. This should be checked on a case-by-case basis.

Who is Not Affected?

The quota for B permits, and permits not subject to quotas, such as the 120 day permit and the 4 month short term permit) are not affected. Quotas for non-EU/EFTA nationals are also not affected.


The Swiss government has reduced the work permit quotas for the year 2015. The quotas are allocated to the cantons on a quarterly basis.

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