Global Alerts

PORTUGAL – Fines Imposed For Failure to Make Notifications to Immigration Services

The Portuguese authorities have started to impose fines in cases where non-EU nationals have failed to register their arrival with Immigration Services (SEF) and in cases where non-EU nationals holding Portuguese visas or residence permits and renewing their passports fail to notify the Immigration Services of the passport renewal.

Registration at the Airport with Immigration Services

Non-European Union (EU) nationals arriving in Portugal should have their passports stamped on arrival. This endorsement shows that the Immigration Services (SEF) are aware of their arrival and stay in Portugal and is required for visa holders and visa waiver entrants alike. However, in cases where the non-EU national enters Portugal from within the Schengen area (the Schengen area is a wide area within the European Union without border controls), the passport is not routinely stamped. In these cases, it is strongly recommended that the non-EU national should approach the Immigration Services desk in the airport of arrival and ask for the passport to be endorsed, in order to obtain proof of date of entry and to avoid a penalty fine.

Non-EU Nationals Arriving by Land/Sea

Non-EU nationals arriving in Portugal by land (by car or train via Spain) will also not have their passports stamped routinely. Such individuals should report their stay to the Immigration Services office in their area of residence, within three days, to register their arrival.

Exceptions – Visitors Staying in Hotels

Hotels have a legal obligation to inform the Immigration Services of non-EU nationals staying with them, so individuals who will be staying in hotels do not need to be particularly concerned about having their passports stamped on arrival.

Changes to Passport Details

Additionally, if a non-EU national with a visa or residence permit renews his or her passport while in Portugal, it should be noted that this must be communicated to the Immigration Services within three days of the event. Failure to do this may also result in a fine. The exact method of how to communicate the change will vary depending on the Immigration Services office in question.

Penalty Amounts

The fines being charged for failure to have a stamp of entry date to Portugal are 30 Euro per person. The fines being charged for failure to notify the Immigration Services of a change of passport are between 30 Euro and 75 Euro per person.

Please note this is general information only and not intended as advice on a specific matter. Please feel free to contact Fakhoury Global Immigration directly with questions exclusive to your situation. These news alerts were prepared using information from Peregrine Immigration Management which is licensed to Fakhoury Global Immigration.

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