NETHERLANDS – Suspension of Limits on Business Visitors until New Legislation Created
A recent Dutch law unintentionally limited third-country nationals from visiting the Netherlands multiple times per year for business meetings. Under the law, business visitors were only permitted one uninterrupted stay of up to 13 weeks in a 52-week period. As the Dutch government works to draft the new legislation that would remove this limitation, business visitors are temporarily allowed to visit the Netherlands multiple times per year, with each stay allowed to last up to four weeks within a 13-week period. This suspension of limits does not affect the government’s recent broadening of permitted activities during a business trip, which include receiving training on the use of goods that are manufactured in the Netherlands or training regarding the services to be performed in the Netherlands.
Please note that this is general information only and not intended as advice on a specific matter. Please contact Fakhoury Global Immigration directly with questions exclusive to your situation.