Global Alerts

ITALY – Current Work Permit Quotas Issued

The Italian government recently set the new work permit quotas, valid for the application period opened December 30th, 2014 until August 30th, 2015. A total of 17,850 non-EU nationals will be able to work in Italy, a slight decrease from last year’s quota. The following is the exact breakdown per type of permit:

  • For freelancers, officers or owners of non-cooperative companies, internationally known artists, entrepreneurs whose activity benefits the Italian economy, and people who are interested in setting up innovative start-up companies, there are 2,400 work permits available;
  • For non-EU nationals who completed study in their home country, there are 1,000 work permits available;
  • For people of Italian origin with at least one Italian parent currently living in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, or Brazil, there are 100 work permits available;
  • For holders of existing permits who wish to convert their permits into work permits, there are 12,350 work permits available (6,000 for those converting study or training permits; 4,050 for those converting seasonal work permits; 1,000 for those converting EC long-term residence permits issued by another EU country into an Italian subordinate work permit; and 250 for those converting EC long-term residence permits issued by another EU country into an Italian autonomous work permit); and
  • For the Milan Expo 2015, 2,000 work permits have been reserved.

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