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BREXIT – Switzerland And UK Conclude Agreement On Mobility Of Service Suppliers

Switzerland and the United Kingdom have secured an agreement on

services.  The Service Mobility Agreement (SMA), which

was signed on December 14, 2020 and entered into force from January

1, 2021, will be valid initially for two years.

It allows service suppliers, such as management consultants, IT

experts or engineers, to continue travelling freely between

Switzerland and the UK and work for up to 90 days per year, without

the need for visas, economic interest tests, work permits, evidence

of language skills or lengthy processing times.

In concrete terms, this means that Switzerland will continue to

offer the 90-day notification procedure in the following


  • Persons seconded by companies basedin the UK, irrespective of their nationality. For third-countrynationals and EU/EFTA nationals who are posted to Switzerland from

    the UK for the purpose of cross-border services, the notification

    procedure is only applicable if they were already permanently (i.e.

    for at least 12 months) admitted to the regular UK labour market

    before their secondment to Switzerland.

  • Self-employed cross-border serviceproviders with company headquarters in the UK who are UK citizens.EU/EFTA nationals who are registered as self-employed workers in

    the UK should therefore normally no longer benefit from the 90-day

    notification procedure.

The existing Swiss 8-day exemption rule for

sending companies based in the EU/EFTA will continue to apply.

Applicants employed outside Switzerland who will be working in

Switzerland for up to eight days per calendar year per company or

per self-employed worker may not need to obtain work permits or

complete a 90-day notification.

Please note that this is general information only and not

intended as advice on a specific matter. Please feel free to

contact FGI directly with questions

exclusive to your situation. This news alert may have been prepared

using information from Peregrine Immigration Management, which is

licensed to FGI.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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