FGI News and Publications

Border Closure Extended For Discretionary Travel

Discretionary travel, for tourism and recreations purpose, has

been extended for countries other than the United States until

August 31, 2020. The current discretionary travel ban from the

United States has been recently extended to August 21, 2020.

There are exemptions for travel to Canada for matters of

national interest, essential work, and family visits of greater

than 14 days. Those travelling directly from the United States (US

citizens and visa exempt nationals) may apply at the port of entry,

however, their work must be considered essential. Essential

services include sectors in the health, food, transportation,

utilities, manufacturing, as well as among others. A full list may

be found here. All other work permit applications must be submitted

online. Those entering Canada should also have a 14-day quarantine

plan as it applies to everyone, including Canadian citizens

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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