PERM Applications: Training U.S. Workers In Unemployed America
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) protects the American
workforce by reviewing applications from employers who wish to hire
foreign labor after conducting a bona-fide recruitment effort with
fair wages in areas of intended employment. The program, known as
PERM, is a 2005 update of an older law created that goes back to
the 1970’s.
The PERM Rule, sensitive to the need of home-grown workers,
involves complex and sometimes confusing guidance that is used in
the adjudication process, and denials will issue when employers
fall astray. Based on recent trends, employers are likely to
encounter objections if they do not adequately document why U.S.
job applicants cannot acquire the skills necessary to perform the
job during a reasonable period of on-the-job training.
Although the term ‘reasonable’, not defined by law, is
generally understood to mean specific skills such as diverse IT
technologies which are easily adaptable by otherwise qualified
workers or cross industry management positions. In 2019, DOL audits
often requested documentation from employers to prove that U.S.
workers who were rejected could not have been deemed qualified with
a reasonable period of on-the-job training.
Although it is not easy to prove a negative, employers may be
able to provide detailed statements, with or without corroborating
documentation, to prove the inability to train within a reasonable
period of time. In one case decided by the Board of Alien Labor
Certification Appeals, Kentrox, Inc., 2012-PER-038 (May 22,
2014), the employer provided a detailed explanation of
technical matters involved in the firm’s products that would
prevent the firm from training a new worker. The employer’s
statement was accepted as sufficient documentary evidence to meet
the burden of proof. But since this case was decided during a
period of historic low unemployment, it may be assumed that the
employer’s opinion in a period of high unemployment will be
more strictly construed.
Another more familiar part of the PERM Rule relates to the
consideration of US job applicants who do not meet the stated
minimum requirements but may be able to perform the job duties in a
minimally qualified manner based on a combination of experience,
education, and training. This notion is deeply imbedded in labor
certification practice and often quoted as official DOL policy.
Often overlooked is an important reference material called the
Revised November 2009 Employment and Training Administration
Employment and Prevailing Wage Determination Policy Guidance.
This memorandum, which should be on the desktop of every PERM
stakeholder, is replete with reference to all sorts of
In conclusion, when conducting PERM recruitment, all U.S.
workers who should be granted the benefit of the doubt when
determining qualifications, and employers must explain why they
cannot be trained within a reasonable period. And employers dare
not forget that the name of the federal agency reviewing their PERM
applications is the Employment and Training
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.