FGI News and Publications

Partial Opening Of Land Borders For Argentines And Residents

The national government has decreed the partial opening of land

borders for Argentines and foreigners with valid residence in the

country. Initially only eight border crossings have been open for

the entry of up to 500 people per day. The number of border

crossings will be gradually increased as well as the quota of

people who may enter the country per day. The land border crossings

that have already been opened are as follows: Cristo Redentor

(crossing to Chile) – Posadas (crossing to Paraguay) –

Paso de los Libres (crossing to Brazil) – San

Sebastián (crossing to Chile) – Integración

Austral (crossing to Chile) – Gualeguaychú (crossing

to Uruguay) – Salvador Mazza (crossing to Bolivia) –

Clorinda (crossing to Paraguay) Argentines and foreigners with

valid residence in the country must comply with the 14-day

quarantine upon arrival. On the other hand, the prohibition of

entry for foreigners who do not have a valid residence visa in the

country until April 13 is maintained.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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