U.S. Immigration Updates – Week of September 5, 2023
Participants Sought for USCIS ‘myAccount’ Usability Study
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is conducting a usability study for USCIS’ myAccount application, a platform designed to streamline access to U.S. government websites such as myUSCIS. USCIS seeks input to help it improve the user experience and the design of its application. USCIS would like to hear from a diverse group of people to gather feedback on myAccount. Recruitment for this test will close on Friday, September 15, 2023.
To participate, email myuscisfeedback@uscis.dhs.gov with the subject line, “myAccount Usability Testing,” and include age, gender identity, and racial and ethnic category. USCIS will randomly select participants for a 30-minute to one-hour session where it will ask for feedback on proposed designs. Participants will attend a single 30-minute to one-hour long session to be scheduled between Monday, September 25 and Friday, September 29. During the usability testing session, participants will have the opportunity to join a video call from a computer (not a mobile device) via Microsoft Teams. Webcam usage is welcome but not mandatory. However, USCIS will require participants to share their screen as they review the designs and allow the agency to record their audio and screen. Questions can be sent to myuscisfeedback@uscis.dhs.gov.