Global Alerts

RUSSIA – Stricter Penalties for Misusing Visas

Russian authorities have been increasingly scrutinizing foreign nationals specifically those holding business visas and technical support visas to confirm they remain compliant with immigration laws. Companies should ensure that foreign nationals only perform activities allowed under their business and technical support visas to avoid any potential violations and prosecutions. Foreign nationals who are found guilty of misusing their visas may likely be prosecuted and banned from reentering the country.

Additionally, Russian authorities have been implementing stricter measures on foreign nationals who commit minor violations that break administrative laws such as delayed address registration or traffic violations. Foreign nationals who commit two administrative violations in a one-year period are banned from reentering Russia. Furthermore, employers are urged to prepare for potential inspections by immigration authorities as the Prosecutor General’s Office has intensified audits on companies. Companies can check online if they are on the list of entities to be audited in 2016 through the Prosecutor General’s Office.

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