RUSSIA – Changes to Quota Announced
The Moscow Centre for Labour Exchange has recently announced several changes to the quota application process in Russia. Most significant are the introduction of online applications, tougher documentary requirements and new reasons for rejecting applications. This year’s quota application filing deadlines were also confirmed.
Online Quota Applications
Effective April 7, 2014, it will be possible to submit quota applications for engaging foreign labor through as an alternative to paper-based applications. Note that even for online applications, original supporting documentation must be submitted separately (see below).
New Documentary Requirements
Companies are now required to present original corporate documents, which will be verified and returned, alongside notarized copies. Previously, only notarized copies were required. Furthermore, the original of the lease agreement for the company’s office must be presented, along with a letter guaranteeing provision of accommodation for foreign employees filling quota positions, and another guaranteeing medical insurance. Previously these were not required.
Reasons for Negative Quota Application Decisions
An updated list of reasons a company may receive a negative quota allocation decision was released. Quota positions will not be granted to companies which:
- are not registered in the unified register of legal persons;
- have ever submitted falsified documents or data to the authorities;
- are going through bankruptcy procedures;
- could cover the staffing needs with local labor resources;
- have indicated a salary level lower than the set living standard for the region in which the application is submitted;
- have previously failed to provide medical insurance and accommodation for employees;
- are charged with offences in the areas of labour, migration, tax or social security law; or
- have failed to comply with the set quota of foreign employees in a particular industry.
Quota Application Deadlines
The new deadlines for filing quota applications are July 1 for the quota 2015 applications and September 1, 2014 for the year 2014 “correction” applications.