MALAYSIA – Electronic Filing of PVPs Now Required
This week, the Malaysian Immigration Department has stopped accepting in-person filings for Professional Visit Pass (PVP) applications on behalf of foreign employees. The Immigration Department has decided that going forward, all employers are to submit PVP applications electronically through the Expatriate Services Division’s (ESD) online system. Although this change has already gone into effect on October 1st, the Immigration Department has yet to provide companies with guidance on the ESD system. Applications may be delayed while this change is implemented, as the current wait time for employers requiring ESD registration is anywhere from six to eight weeks. Employers cannot file any PVPs until their registration is approved. After this initial implementation period, this change should make filing PVPs an easier process for employers since they will no longer have to appoint an employee to file PVPs in-person in Putrajaya. With this change, employers are also permitted to use third-party agents to file on their behalf.