Global Alerts

Ireland – Short Stay Visa Waiver Program Extended

The Short Stay Visa Waiver Program was due to expire October 31, 2016, however, has been extended for the next 5 years, until October 31, 2021. It first began on July 1, 2011 and has now been extended twice. The program was initiated to boost tourism and business travel to Ireland. Travelers entering the United Kingdom on a valid visa, may travel to Ireland without requiring an Irish visa. The duration of stay is up to 90 days, or when their UK visa expires, whichever is sooner.

The following 18 countries are visa waived: Bahrain; Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina; China; India; Kazakhstan; Kuwait; Oman; Montenegro; Qatar; Russian Federation; Saudi Arabia; Serbia; Thailand; Turkey; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; and Uzbekistan.

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