Global Alerts

India – Evidence of Local Operations Required at Hyderabad FRRO

Effective immediately, the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (the FRRO) at Hyderabad requires evidence of the visa sponsor’s local business operations in Hyderabad. Companies sponsoring foreign nationals for employment visas in India are required to submit business registration documents in support of FRRO registration or employment visa extension applications.

Usually a registration certificate, including the company’s registered address issued by the Registrar of Companies, is used for this purpose.

Now, however, if the sponsoring company is supporting an application for an employment visa in Hyderabad with a registered address not in Hyderabad, it must provide proof that it is a registered entity operating in Hyderabad. This proof may be in the form of registration under the Shops and Establishment Act of Telangana State (which is a mandatory requirement for most entities) or any other relevant Telangana State Government body.

Companies sponsoring foreign nationals to work in Hyderabad must ensure that they submit the correct registration documents in support of the applicant’s FRRO registration and employment visa extension applications.

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