Global Alerts

HUNGARY – Joint Work and Residence Permits Implemented Along with Other Reforms

As 2014 begins, Hungary has implemented a new joint work and residence permit system. Due to this new system, numerous procedural changes have arisen. These changes include new filing procedures, forms, supporting document requirements, and expected application processing times.

Foreign Nationals Working in Hungary for a Period of 90 Days or More

  • Foreign nationals that are seeking to work in Hungary for a period of more than 90 days must submit a single residence permit application to the Immigration Office.
  • This new system applies to applicants for the following categories: visa nationals, non-visa nationals, Blue Card, residence permits granted to executive officers and enterprise stakeholders, family unification residence permits, and residence permits granted for humanitarian purposes.
  • Upon the granting of a residence permit, an individual is permitted to work in Hungary.
  • Employers who are mostly foreign-owned are subject to a five percent limit on the foreign to local worker ratio for their business.
  • Holders of the new joint permit will be counted towards the five percent. The expected processing time for the new combined permit is at least 90 days.
  • Permits will be granted for a maximum duration of up to two years, and may be extended for indefinite periods in two-year increments.

Foreign Nationals Working in Hungary for a Period of 90 Days or Less

  • Individuals seeking to work in Hungary for 90 days or less do not need to obtain a residence permit.
  • For these persons, sponsoring employers must submit a Work Force Demand and work permit application with the employer’s regional or metropolitan labor office assuming all submission documentation is complete.
  • If all supporting documentation is not available at the time of filing, documents should be filed with the local or district labor office.
  • Expected processing time for this application is 30 days, with the possibility for longer processing times for any incomplete applications.

Please note that this is general information only and not intended as advice on a specific matter. Please contact Fakhoury Global Immigration directly with questions exclusive to your situation.

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