Global Alerts

GERMANY – Delays at Munich Foreign Office

The Foreign Office in Munich is experiencing personnel issues therefore delays are to be expected as there is a significant decrease in the availability of appointments. Positive nationals – those who are seeking to convert their status from within Germany – will experience the greatest impact on processing times and wait times at the Munich Foreign Office if they do not have an appointment. Regardless of wait times, these positive nationals must visit the Foreign Office before starting work. Foreign nationals who enter Germany through consular processing and already have a work permit for the first three months with the issued visa will not experience such an impact.

It is suggested that employers and foreign assignees try to create plans to avoid these service delays. Foreign employees should book hotels in an outer district of Munich, which will give another Foreign Office jurisdiction. This will provide the foreign employee with standard processing times. Those in Munich may use pre-approval procedures, where applicable, and visit the Foreign Office during its open hours. However, it should be noted that waiting does not guarantee service will be received. Currently, the earliest date that an applicant may receive an appointment is October 2014.

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