CZECH REPUBLIC – Amendments to Various Immigration Services Released
The Czech Republic has recently passed several regulatory amendments that took effect on December 18, 2015. The amendments lengthened the validity period of long-term visas, revised the deadline for Employment Card renewal applications, relaxed the eligibility guidelines for dependents of EU nationals, and changed the eligibility requirements for permanent residence.
Validity Periods for Long-Term Visas
Long-term visas can now be requested with validity period of up to one year instead of the former maximum
period of six months.
Employment Card Renewals Deadline
The former guidelines allowed foreign nationals to submit their Employment Card renewal applications up to
14 days before the expiration of their card and up to 90 days in advance. Now, applications for Employment
Card renewals can be submitted up to 120 days prior to the card’s expiration but must be filed at least 30 days
before expiry. The renewal deadlines for long-term visas and residence permits remain unchanged so they can
still be submitted up to the expiration date.
Dependents of EU Nationals
EU nationals are now able to sponsor their financially dependent parents and their children until the age of 21.
Previously, both the parents of EU nationals and the children of EU nationals between the ages of 18 and 21
were unqualified for dependent status even if financially dependent.
Permanent Residence Criteria
The new guidelines still require that third-country nationals reside in the Czech Republic continuously for five
years before they are eligible for permanent residence. However, the new rules clarify that any time spent
working in the Czech Republic under a foreign payroll or any substantial period spent abroad, will not count
toward the residency requirement.