Global Alerts

Canada- Important announcements from Government of Canada

The Honourable Fraser declared that on June 27, 2023, the Canadian Government is enacting a short-term policy permitting temporary foreign workers to pursue either full-or-part-time studies without having a Study Permit, and with no boundaries or duration limitations imposed on their program of study.

Foreign workers with a valid Work Permit and those who applied to extend their current permit before 7 June 2023 are able to take advantage of this temporary measure. However, if an application for a Work Permit or extension of the permit is made on 8 June 2023, they will not be eligible. Furthermore, this policy will take effect immediately and remain valid for a three-year span.

This new three-year policy permits temporary foreign workers to sign up for any study program, whether full-time or part-time, for its entire duration, without the need for a new Work Permit. However, if they wish to continue their studies beyond the Work Permit’s expiration, they will have to apply for a Study Permit.

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