FGI News and Publications

Entry Requirements Update

Effective June 1, 2020, foreign nationals, holding a valid

permit such as an Employment Pass, Professional Visit Pass, etc.,

may enter Malaysia. An approval letter will need to be applied for

at the respective Malaysian Mission by completing a Letter of

Undertaking and Indemnity, at least three days before the date of

departure. The Letter of Undertaking and Indemnity states that the

individual will bear the costs of the mandatory quarantine. Upon

arrival in Malaysia, screening for COVID-19 will take place and the

foreign national must go into quarantine for 14 days. Foreigners

will be required to bear the full costs, whereas Malaysian

nationals will bear 50% of the costs.

Those who may be affected are encouraged to contact an

immigration specialist for case-specific advice.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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