FGI News and Publications

COVID-19 – Latest Travel And Immigration Disruption

This is the latest information we have on travel restrictions,

immigration restrictions and immigration concessions around the



  • Residence documents issued by the Immigration Office expiringfrom March 17th onwards are now automatically extended

    for 90 days (previously 60 days). Foreign nationals in this

    situation will not be penalized and existing interviews will be



  • The closure of all land, sea and air borders is extended untilMay 20th


  • The French government has stated that its 14-day quarantinewill apply to travelers arriving from Spain as a reciprocal measure

    after Spain applied a 14-day quarantine period on all


  • Travelers entering France may be subject to a 14-day mandatoryquarantine. Those entering from the EU Schengen zone and the UK are

    exempt for the time being. Cross-border workers are also,

    therefore, exempt.

  • The period of validity of the following permits that expirebetween 16 May and 15 June is extended by 180 days from their

    expiry date: long-stay visas, residence permits, provisional

    residence permits (authorisation provisoire de séjour) and

    receipts for applications for residence permits



  • From May 16 to 28 May, the Indian government will operate asecond round of repatriation flights (Vande Bharat – II) for Indian

    nationals stranded in US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Singapore

    and Australia. Repatriated passengers will be quarantined on

    arrival depending on their circumstances, and may have difficulty

    returning to their home state if their flight lands in a different



  • The suspension of entry for all foreign nationals is extendeduntil May 30th. Exemptions exist for citizens or

    residents of Israel and those who have received extraordinary

    permission from the Population and Immigration Authority.

  • An automatic extension up to June 30th will begranted to all foreign nationals holding a B-1 work visa or an A1,

    A2, A3, A4 or A5 visa which expires between March 12th

    and June 30th Individuals visiting Israel on a B2

    visitor visa should depart before the original expiration



  • Suspension of entry is extended until June 15th forall except Swedish citizens, EU nationals, and Swedish residence

    permit (including long term residence permit holders and work

    permit holders) and their dependent family members as long as they

    are returning home. Therefore, it is recommended that holders of

    newly issued work permits delay their travel until after June


  • The Swedish Migration Agency will not accept work permitapplications with start dates during the travel ban.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.

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